I’m listening…

Recently, everyday after work and on the weekends, I binge watch Frasier.

I absolutely love that show and it’s one of the shows that has made me most curious about psychiatry and how the human mind is so complex. In some ways the character of Frasier reminds me of me. How he loves to help people by trying to solve their problems, how he would give reassurances to people that need it most and how to unlock their insecurities and find solutions to overcome them. I do not have a psychiatrist background or education but I like to read a lot and understand why people are the way they are.

He is also an empath and it made me curious, even though he is a fictional character, I wanted to see if Frasier’s birthday was recorded as I always thought he could be a pisces. It’s March 7, in case you were wondering, which makes him a fellow pisces. Now I am not one to believe in horoscopes, however in relation to the personality traits each star sign represents, there is a trend and I do think that it is accurate.

All things aside, I find him to be hilarious, I think it’s a very intelligently written show and the characters are so perfectly developed. It makes me so curious the way a psychiatrist can diagnose people thus helping them find solutions to their shortcomings , easily and yet it is almost impossible to self diagnose. Why is that? I think it’s because when the psychiatrists are diagnosing their patients, its on a very non personal/ non emotional level and thus they are able to form a non bias judgement/diagnoses. Consequently it may not be wise to self diagnose because they do not have that level of emotional detachment with themselves to self diagnose effectively.

It’s all quite interesting, I feel that I must learn a little more about this subject. Any thoughts? I’m listening…

Selectively Curious©


  1. Quinn · March 10, 2017

    I love the woman that ends up with the brother… What’s her name? And the dog!

    I am not a pisces, I’m a sagittarius, but I don’t know enough about that sort of thing to know if that means anything! I think self-diagnosing requires a huge amount of self-awareness, and I think few people have the ability to reach that level of self-awareness. Your post has given me a lot to think about!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Selectively Curious · March 10, 2017

      I dont know much about Sagittarius because I don’t know many buuut i do know that they are social butterflies, extroverted, outgoing, friendly and they love a good time and are world explorers more than any of the other signs. They can be more on the competitive side and are go getters. Can you relate?
      Also the lady niles marries is Daphne Moon 😁😁 and eddy the dog. I love eddyyy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Quinn · March 10, 2017

        Daphne!!! Definitely not competitive but everything else sounds pretty accurate!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Selectively Curious · March 10, 2017

      Oh I forgot to mention. Good point about the self awareness point, I didnt think of that. You’re right it’s quite difficult to reach that level of self awareness and to reach some level one must spend a lot of quality time with oneself and that takes quite a bit of effort. Especially if someone doesn’t like to be alone or do things alone. I feel this is something that can be discussed endlessly, Frasier would love this convo haha

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